Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New street protests planned in Honduras

New street protests planned in Honduras

Will he or Wont He?

The recently ousted presidente de Honduras, Manuel Zelaya says he's "going, going, back, back to Tegucigalpa!" Wooord?!

OK, this is not happening because the Zelaya is up against the economic interests of the Honduran elite. The Honduran Constitution calls for a referendum or plebiscities to enter the political arena at least 180 days before a presidential election, tentatively scheduled on November 29th. This jewel was passed by the Honduran Congress last Tuesday in a move to block the impending proposal brought by Zeleya, who is being painted in the so-called liberal and conservative media outlets as Chavez-lite.

Even with King Hussein's seemingly strong statement denouncing the military coup, Zelaya does not stand a chance on returning to his rightful position because of the newly re-written Honduran constitution which is still binding and unless the U.S. uses force to bring about Zelaya restoration, (which WILL NOT happen), it then left up to Chavez and his forces to bring back the fallen leader. This also WILL NOT happen because it will give the international community the power to pressure Obama to take strong PUBLIC stance against Chavez, and consequently the poor people of Latin America that Chavez champions. And we all know Obama is not one lose his title as the people's champ.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Justices refuse to hear case over protests at soldier funerals

Justices refuse to hear case over protests at soldier funerals

An interesting story to say the least! It’s interesting for the fact that at first glance, my first reaction is to say, “What kind of MONSTERS would do such a thing?!”

But once I looked at the story critically I was able to see the clear abuse of American privileges agreed upon in our lease-to-own U.S. Constitution.

First, the glaring encroachment of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution by the Missouri State Senate is so obvious that the 8 blind men and Mrs. Ginsberg that is the US Supreme Court would not listen to the appeal brought by the MO lawmakers. Using the funerals of broken humans US soldiers is a shady way to take away a privilege from everyone in Mizzou. regardless of how ridiculous the speech is perceived to be, Pastor Homophobia
Fred Phelps has the privilege to say whatever he feels like polluting your ears with…

Secondly, there is no mention to the great man that sponsored this bill. A model citizen indeed, Senate majority leader Charlie Shields who represents 34th county of MO led the protest in the legislature and by the way, is a stanch advocate of “first class education” for his constituents in Buchanan and Platte counties respectively.

"I can't imagine the feelings of the family and friends of Spc. Myers — that they had to endure this protest and the type of hatred that was being spewed by Pastor Phelps and members of his congregation," Shields said in 2006 after introducing this bill in legislature.

But, a closer look at Charlie Hustle reveals that he is not REALLY opposed to Pastor Homophobia's message but just the time and place the speech is being delivered.

As we all know the GOP’s rather have their homosexual transgressions enclosed in the walls of church or Airport bathroom stalls. Whichever is more accessible…I tend to lean toward the latter. So, basically Shields figured he’d give the state unconstitutional powers all the while appearing to be gay friendly/pro-troops… Sex, violence and dirty talk all rolled up in one big bill! Whew!

Oh!!! How I ADORE those kinky Republicans…

Monday, June 15, 2009

I'm Here

My first blog of any nature. I am sharing my thoughts for myself on the fallen state of the world as WE ALL continue to breath the intoxicating Soma...


"And we are... the coolest motherfunkers on the planet/

The sky is fallin', ain't no need to panic."